OCEANUS 関連ツイート
RT @five1996: 足の小指をぶつけると痛いので、小指用のヘルメットを作りました。 https://t.co/NMDIzPIfjq
@asamin_oceanus 2018/05/20 19:28
でーもの推し曲 インフィニティパズル、oceanus、魔材猫 全部めちゃくちゃむずかしんだけど
@vx3ca 2018/05/19 21:58
@Japaneseteach わかる
@oceanus_mwam 2018/05/20 21:00
<p>At the dawn of colonizing planets, humanity supports a bold new experiment on Earth to create three self-sustaining habitats, one underground, one above, and one under the sea. With dreams of colonization, they test human capacity by isolating the inhabitants from the outside world for a year.<br />Telsa and Simon join the first inhabitants on Oceanus, the undersea habitat. Simon leaves his youngest, Rosie, with her grandmother. It would only be a year, what could go wrong?</p><p>Everything runs smoothly until Simon discovers a network of surveillance throughout Oceanus, then Telsa uncovers a rumor of a devastating virus on the Earth's surface. Central Command insists on their isolation but a new security force infiltrates the habitats under the guise that they are there for everyone's protection.<br />All the while, unbeknownst to any of them, a religious zealot sees the habitats as his destiny, a place where he and his fellow believers can embark on growing a new country.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
RT @five1996: 足の小指をぶつけると痛いので、小指用のヘルメットを作りました。 https://t.co/NMDIzPIfjq
@asamin_oceanus 2018/05/20 19:28
でーもの推し曲 インフィニティパズル、oceanus、魔材猫 全部めちゃくちゃむずかしんだけど
@vx3ca 2018/05/19 21:58
@Japaneseteach わかる
@oceanus_mwam 2018/05/20 21:00
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