Autism: Escape Into Imagination【電子書籍】[ Travis Breeding ]


<p>Escaping into imagination is a coping mechanism Travis uses to help him cope with his inability to understand the social world around him. When he is able to escape the reality of a social situation and replace it by escaping into his imagination to provide a make-believe world to replace the social isolation and rejection of the real life social world people with autism deal with on every day. Follow along as Travis shares how to use escaping into imagination to create a make-believe world as a coping mechanism to help him get through autism spectrum disorder and some of the social situations that he finds himself in with autism. Often we are looking for complex answers to very complex problems but Travis feels escaping into imagination and creating a make-believe world to help him survive the real world is a simple yet ever so important tool in helping him overcome social isolation and rejection from autism spectrum disorder. Read this book to gain a better understanding of Travis' make-believe world and how it works to make the real world simpler for him.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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